I first joined social media in 2007 when I jumped on the band wagon with my friends and nursing school classmates to join Facebook. Looking back now at the care free and very public posts I made, I realize how much has changed. I have had a private account for a while for personal reasons, but when I went into a management role it really made me think about what I was posting and who could see it. Because I went to school in Ontario, social media has been an easy way to keep tabs on my classmates and friends. But being from Newfoundland, especially the capital city, everyone knows everything about you or your family, so I try not to post too many personal things. In saying that, I’m not really known for posting anything brash or inappropriate.
I joined Twitter in the same way, because everyone else was getting it. I have never been a big “Tweeter” either. Mostly all of my Twitter posts or shares are related to my brother’s hockey team or something I wanted to share.
Only until I became a part of a leadership team did I really start to analyze my social media presence. I found that the thoughts “should I post that” or “should I be sharing that” were popping into my head. I do have strong opinions about certain things, and I am a very passionate person so I will share posts or links that I feel strongly about. But I absolutely also have a fear of being penalized for sharing something that may be considered inappropriate related to my job or employer. I know some nurses who have been penalized for social media posts.
Where do you draw the line of what is deemed “appropriate” or “professional”? For me what is considered appropriate is likely similar to what most people would say is appropriate. As for what is considered “professional”, there is also what is professionally appropriate. For example: it may be fine to post something about your personal experience in the health care system if you are not a health care professional, but if you are a health care professional it would not be appropriate (depending on what you were saying). I even see posts that my friends or coworkers might share and cringe at the thought that someone might report them.
As a registered nurse in Newfoundland and Labrador I am a member of the College of Registered Nurses of Newfoundland and Labrador (CRNNL), and have been since I graduated in 2011. The CRNNL have two social media resources on their page: Confidentiality, Social Media and You and Professionalism and Social Media. Both of these pages provide guidance and resources for nurses in relation to using social media appropriately and how it can affect you professionally. Being aware that what you put on social media may be seen by those in your professional circle and can therefore be brought to your employer at any time. I always try to be cautious of not posting anything I wouldn’t be comfortable with my colleagues or patients seeing.
My employer has a policy on social media, and I think it is important for the public to understand the role that social media can have in health care in terms of providing accurate and helpful health information, while also understanding their rights to privacy and confidentiality as a patient or visitor. Health care professionals are most certainly held to a higher standard and scrutinized more for what they post or share then a member of the general public would be. “Professional Practitioners must: “Apply codes of ethics, standards of practice and laws when using social media.”, “Do not allow the use of social media to impact their professional judgment and critical thinking.”, “Do not offer professional advice on social media when representing Eastern Health; if relied upon, such advice could lead or professional liability” (Eastern Health, 2017).
Eastern Health Social Media Policy. (2017, October 16). Retrieved January 14, 2021, from Health, E. (2017, October 16). Eastern Health Social Media Policy. Retrieved January 14, 2021, from http://www.easternhealth.ca/AboutEH.aspx?d=1&id=2275&p=73